Seasons of interior design


For a few years, we had been rather busy over the holidays, mostly planning clients’ interior design projects to begin at the very first opportunity in the new year. Summers had been slower times. This past summer and winter seems to be following a reverse trend from years past – during the end of year 2016, it was blissfully quiet. So much so, in fact, that I started to wonder if everyone – clients and trades alike - had gone into hibernation.  Not to mention that Toronto weather has been rather cold and dismal.  As the mother of a preschooler, I am starting to become aware of my own schedule parameters as they relate to the school year, and I’m starting to align myself accordingly.  I gear up for holidays of any kind, and embrace my business all the more when schedules are more predictable.  It’s all about balance, right?  I am frequently waking up early to work before the family rises, or sneaking in a quick email during dinner prep.  You’ll often find me at my desk at unusual hours.  More and more I cherish that uninterrupted time.  Because I am at heart a creative, and you can’t rush or pressure creativity. Now that the second half of the school year is back in session, my boot straps are getting pulled up, and the focus is back.  Seems clients are feeling the same way: I am fielding a surprising number of calls and requests regarding a variety of interior design queries.  I’ll be heading out to another potential client meet-and-greet in a few minutes. Wish me luck!

photo courtesy of Pinterest


My favourite finds at IDS17


Ah, the inaugural blog post